The ultimates 2 (2005)
HS. The Ultimates Saga
Une BD de
C.B. Cebulski
Travis Charest
chez Marvel Comics
- 2007
Cebulski, C.B.
Owens, Mindy
Charest, Travis
Hitch, Bryan
Ponsor, Justin
Eliopoulos, Chris
Brooks, Mark
Strain, Christina
Millar, Mark
(Adapté de)
11/2007 32 pages Format comics 296415
Recapping the entire series to date, the ULTIMATES SAGA will be told by their new leader, Tony Stark. As America's premier super-hero team, the Ultimates have been forced to face more trials and tribulations than anyone ever expected during the course of their short time together: a Skrull infiltration, the trial of the Hulk for his murderous rampage, betrayal from within and the invasion of America. Now, no longer under the auspices of S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony Stark is forced to face the reality of his team's newfound freedom. Having gotten his hands... Lire la suite