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Couverture de Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -33- Return of the King Part 7
©Marvel Comics 2003 Millar/Kubert
Parution en 07/2003. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 23/09/2018 (Dernière modification le 23/09/2018 à 12:34) par Jean-Phi

Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001)

33. Return of the King Part 7

Une BD de et Adam Kubert chez Marvel Comics - 2003
Millar, Mark (Scénario) Kubert, Adam (Dessin) Miki, Danny (Dessin) Stewart, Dave (Couleurs) Miki, Danny (Encrage) Isanove, Richard (Couverture) Kubert, Adam (Couverture)

07/2003 23 pages Format comics 345122

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -1- The Tomorrow People, part 1

    Tome 1
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -2- The tomorrow people part 2 : the enemy within

    Tome 2
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -3- The tomorrow people part 3 : warzone

    Tome 3
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -4- The tomorrow people part 4 : betrayal

    Tome 4
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -5- The tomorrow people part 5 : killing fields

    Tome 5
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -6- The tomorrow people part 6 : invasion

    Tome 6
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -7- Return to Weapon X part 1

    Tome 7
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -8- Return to Weapon X part 2 : first strike

    Tome 8
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -9- Return to Weapon X part 3 : no safe heaven

    Tome 9
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -10- Return to Weapon X part 4 : in the heart of darkness

    Tome 10
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -11- Return to Weapon X part 5 : sins of the past

    Tome 11
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -12- Return to weapon x part 6 : end game

    Tome 12
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -13- You always remember your first love part 1 : thief in the night

    Tome 13
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -14- You always remember your first love part 2 : wild card

    Tome 14
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -15- It doesn't have to be this way

    Tome 15
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -16- World tour part 1

    Tome 16
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -17- World tour part 2

    Tome 17
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -18- World Tour Part 3

    Tome 18
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -19- World Tour Part 4

    Tome 19
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -20- Resignation

    Tome 20
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -21- Hellfire and Brimstone Part 1

    Tome 21
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -22- Hellfire and Brimstone: Part 2 of 5

    Tome 22
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -23- Hellfire and Brimstone: Part 3 of 5

    Tome 23
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -24- Hellfire and Brimstone: Part 4 of 5

    Tome 24
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -25- Hellfire and Brimstone: Part 5 of 5

    Tome 25
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -26- Return of the King: Prelude

    Tome 26
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -27- Magneto Triumphant

    Tome 27
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -28- Return of the King Part 2

    Tome 28
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -29- Return of the King Part 3

    Tome 29
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -30- Return of the King Part 4

    Tome 30
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -31- Return of the King Part 5

    Tome 31
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -32- Return of the King Part 6

    Tome 32
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -33- Return of the King Part 7

    Tome 33
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -34- Blockbuster Part One

    Tome 34
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -35- Blockbuster Part Two

    Tome 35
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -36- Blockbuster Part Three

    Tome 36
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -37- Blockbuster (Part IV)

    Tome 37
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -38- Blockbuster Part Five

    Tome 38
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -39- Blockbuster Part Six

    Tome 39
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -40- New Mutants Part 1

    Tome 40
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -41- New Mutants Part Two

    Tome 41
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -42- New Mutants Part Three

    Tome 42
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -43- New Mutants Part Four

    Tome 43
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -44- New Mutants Part Five

    Tome 44
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -45- New Mutants Part Six

    Tome 45
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -46- The Tempest Part One

    Tome 46
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -47- The Tempest, Part 2

    Tome 47
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -48- The Tempest, Part 3

    Tome 48
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -49- The Tempest, Part Four

    Tome 49
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -50- Cry Wolf Part One

    Tome 50
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -51- Cry Wolf Part Two

    Tome 51
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -52- Cry Wolf Part Three

    Tome 52
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -53- Cry Wolf: Conclusion

    Tome 53
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -54- The Most Dangerous Game, Chapter One

    Tome 54
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -55- The Most Dangerous Game, Chapter Two

    Tome 55
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -56- The Most Dangerous Game, Chapter Three

    Tome 56
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -57- The Most Dangerous Game, Conclusion

    Tome 57
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -58- A Hard Lesson

    Tome 58
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -59- Shock and Awe, Part One of Two

    Tome 59
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -60- Shock and Awe, Part Two of Two

    Tome 60
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -61- Magnetic North, Chapter One

    Tome 61
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -62- Magnetic North, Chapter Two

    Tome 62
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -63- Magnetic North Chapter Three

    Tome 63
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -64- Magnetic North Chapter Four

    Tome 64
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -65- Magnetic North The End

    Tome 65
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -66- Date Night Part 1 of 3

    Tome 66
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -67- Date Night Part 2 of 3

    Tome 67
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -68- Date Night Part 3 of 3

    Tome 68
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -69- Phoenix? Part 1 of 3

    Tome 69
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -70- Phoenix? [Part 2 of 3

    Tome 70
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -71- Phoenix? [Part 3 of 3

    Tome 71
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -72- Magical: Part 1

    Tome 72
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -73- Magical: Part 2

    Tome 73
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -74- Magical: Part 3

    Tome 74
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -75- Cable: Part 1

    Tome 75
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -76- Cable: Part 2

    Tome 76
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -77- Cable: Part 3

    Tome 77
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -78- Cable: Conclusion

    Tome 78
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -79- Aftermath: Part 1

    Tome 79
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -80- Aftermath: Part 2

    Tome 80
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -81- Cliffhangers

    Tome 81
  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -AN01- Ultimate Sacrifice

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -AN02- Breaking Point

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -HC01- Ultimate X-Men vol. 1

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -HC02- Ultimate X-Men vol. 2

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -HC03- Ultimate X-Men vol. 3

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -HC04- Ultimate X-Men vol.4

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -HC05- Ultimate X-Men vol.5

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -HC06- Ultimate X-Men vol.6

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -HC07- Ultimate X-Men vol. 7

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -HC08- Ultimate X-Men vol. 8

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -HC09- Ultimate X-Men vol.9

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT01- The Tomorrow People

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT02- Return to Weapon X

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT03- World Tour

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT04- Hellfire and Brimstone

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT05- Ultimate War

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT06- Return of the King

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT07- Blockbuster

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT08- New Mutants

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT09- The tempest

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT10- Cry wolf

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT11- The most dangerous game

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT12- Hard Lessons

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT13- Magnetic North

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT14- Phoenix?

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT15- Magical

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT16- Cable

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT17- Sentinels

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT18- Apocalypse

  • Ultimate X-Men Vol.1 (2001) -INT19- Absolute power


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