Twilight (DC Comics - 1990)
INT. Twilight
Une BD de
Howard Chaykin
José Luis Garcia-López
chez DC Comics
- 2014
Chaykin, Howard
Garcia-López, José Luis
Oliff, Steve
Bruzenak, Ken
11/2014 (24 décembre 2014) 138 pages 9781401250140 Format comics 234860
DC's wide-eyed science fiction heroes, most of whom first appeared in the 1950s, are reimagined in this dark tale from writer Howard Chaykin and artist Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez. Originally published in 1990, TWILIGHT tells the story of how one of the Star Rovers, Karel Sorenson, became a living god when caught in an explosion with a race of immortal creatures called Methuseloids. It's up to renegade hero Tommy Tomorrow to stop his former ally -- but he ends up absorbing Sorenson's power and becoming an all-powerful tyrant himself. Also includes appearances... Lire la suite