The trigan Empire
INT04. Volume IV
Une BD de
Butterworth, Mike
Lawrence, Don
chez Rebellion
(L'empire de Trigan)
- 2022
Butterworth, Mike
Lawrence, Don
Quesada, Miguel
Corke, Philip
Lawrence, Don
Lawrence, Don
10/2022 (22 novembre 2022) 240 pages 1786185644 Format normal 487903
The best-selling Treasury of British Comics archival series The Rise and Fall of the Trigan Empire reaches its fourth astounding volume. Don Lawrence's painted art continues to be a highlight of the series, and as he takes a sabbatical from the strip Miguel Quesada and Philip Corke match his impressive work with their own style. The Trigan Empire remains resilient against enemies on all fronts, from treacherous politicians, murderous Zith assassins, and alien invaders, Trigo and Janno protect the citizens of Elekton.