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Couverture de Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -30- UH-OH !
©Marvel Comics 1999 Busiek/Bagley
Parution en 09/1999. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 30/11/2018 (Dernière modification le 30/11/2018 à 16:11) par jmc95

Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997)

30. UH-OH !

Une BD de et Mark Bagley chez Marvel Comics - 1999
Busiek, Kurt (Scénario) Bagley, Mark (Dessin) Rosas, Joe (Couleurs) Hanna, Scott (Encrage)

09/1999 22 pages Format comics Moins 5 euros 351982

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -0-

    Tome 0
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -1- Justice... Like Lightning!

    Tome 1
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -2- Deceiving appearances

    Tome 2
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -3- Too many masters !

    Tome 3
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -4- A shock to the system

    Tome 4
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -5- Growing Pains

    Tome 5
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -6- Unstable elements !

    Tome 6
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -7- The revolt within

    Tome 7
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -8- Songbird : alone !

    Tome 8
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -9- Life lessons

    Tome 9
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -10- Heroes reward

    Tome 10
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -11- The high ground

    Tome 11
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -12- Endgame

    Tome 12
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -13- In the Courts of Kosmos!

    Tome 13
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -15- Wanted Dead or Alive!

    Tome 15
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -16- Thunder & Lightning

    Tome 16
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -19- Heat & Pressure

    Tome 19
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -20- Decisions part 1: Turning point

    Tome 20
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -21- Decisions part 2: Trust

    Tome 21
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -22- Decisions part 3: Taking a stand

    Tome 22
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -23- Public relations

    Tome 23
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -24- The Eye of the Storm

    Tome 24
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -26- Lockdown

    Tome 26
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -27- Flight Plans

    Tome 27
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -28- Castles in the Air

    Tome 28
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -29- The Fundamental Force

    Tome 29
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -30- UH-OH !

    Tome 30
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -31- A More Perfect Union

    Tome 31
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -32- Blood Sports

    Tome 32
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -33- Ogres in the Shadows

    Tome 33
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -34- Making Your Mark

    Tome 34
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -36- How is Justice Best Served ?

    Tome 36
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -43- Chasing Your Own Tail

    Tome 43
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -45- Heroic tendencies part 1: The inside job

    Tome 45
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -69- Becoming heroes part 3 : green with envy

    Tome 69
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -104- Taking Civil Liberties

    Tome 104
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -119- Caged angels

    Tome 119
  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) - Ultimate Collection

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -CLAS01- Thunderbolts Classic vol.1

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -CLAS02- Thunderbolts Classic vol.2

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -CLAS03- Thunderbolts Classic vol.3

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT- Civil War: Thunderbolts

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT- Guardian Protocols

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT01- Faith in Monsters

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT02- Caged Angels

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT03- Secret Invasion

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT04- Burning down the House

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT05- Widowmaker

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT06a- Siege

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT07- Cage

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT08- Shadowland

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT09- Violent Rejection

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT10- Fear Itself

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT11- The Great Escape

  • Thunderbolts Vol.1 (Marvel Comics - 1997) -INT12- Like Lightning


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30. UH-OH ! jacquesborras1962 Comme neuf 3.00€

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