The thing Vol.3 (2021)
1. The next big Thing Part One
Une BD de
Walter Mosley
Tom Reilly
chez Marvel Comics
- 2022
Mosley, Walter
Reilly, Tom
Bellaire, Jordie
Sabino, Joe
Young, Skottie
01/2022 (10 novembre 2021) 36 pages Format comics 437002
The next big Thing Begins Here! Renowned storyteller Walter Mosley brings his signature style to a sweeping saga of Yancy Street's favorite son that will range from the urban sprawl of the back alleys of Manhattan to the farthest reaches of the cosmos itself! A lonely evening and a chance encounter (or is it?) sends Ben Grimm embarking on a sojourn that will have him encountering—and battling—figures both old and new. Featuring guest appearances from figures drawn from throughout the Marvel Universe as well as precision artwork by Tom Reilly, THE... Lire la suite