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Couverture de Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -90- To Be Beaten by Byrrah!/ The Abomination!
©Marvel Comics 1967 Lee, Stan/Everett, Bill
Parution en 04/1967. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 17/06/2018 (Dernière modification le 17/06/2018 à 16:37) par Jean-Phi

Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959)

90. To Be Beaten by Byrrah!/ The Abomination!

Une BD de et Everett, Bill chez Marvel Comics - 1967
Lee, Stan (Scénario) Everett, Bill (Dessin) Kane, Gil (Dessin) <Quadrichromie> (Couleurs) Kirby, Jack (Couverture) Colletta, Vince (Couverture)

04/1967 22 pages Format comics 100 à 150 euros 336097

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -69- Trapped in the Lair of the Leader! / Oh, Wasp, Where Is Thy Sting?

    Tome 69
  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -70- The Start of the Quest!/ To Live Again!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -71- Nowhere!/ Like a Beast at Bay!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -72- A Prince There Was!/ Within the Monster Dwells a Man!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -73- By Force of Arms!/ Another World, Another Foe!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -74- When Fails the Quest!/ The Wisdom of the Watcher!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -75- The End of the Quest!/ Not All My Power Can Save Me!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -76- Uneasy Hangs the Head..!/ I, Against a World!

    Tome 76
  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -77- To Walk Amongst Men!/ Bruce Banner Is the Hulk!

    Tome 77
  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -78- The Prince and the Puppet!/ The Hulk Must Die!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -79- When Rises the Behemoth / The Titan and the Torment!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -80- To the Death!/ They Dwell in the Depths!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -81- When a Monarch Goes Mad!/ The Stage Is Set!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -82- The Power of Iron Man!/ The Battle Cry of the Boomerang!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -83- The Sub-Mariner Strikes!/ Less than Monster, More than Man!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -84- Like a Beast at Bay!/ Rampage in the City!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -85- -- And One Shall Die / The Missile and the Monster!

    Tome 85
  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -86- The Wrath of Warlord Krang!/ The Birth of... the Hulk-Killer!

    Tome 86
  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -87- Moment of Truth!/ The Humanoid and the Hero!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -88- A Stranger Strikes from Space!/ Boomerang and the Brute!

    Tome 88
  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -89- The Prince and the Power!/ ...Then, There Shall Come a Stranger!

    Tome 89
  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -90- To Be Beaten by Byrrah!/ The Abomination!

    Tome 90
  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -91- Outside the Gates Waits.. Death!/ Whosoever Harms the Hulk..!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -92- It Walks Like a Man!/ Turning Point!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -93- The Monarch and the Monster!/ He Who Strikes the Silver Surfer

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -94- Prince Namor.. Helpless, at the Hands of Dragorr! / ...To the Beckoning Stars!

    Tome 94
  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -95- The Power of the Plunderer!/ A World He Never Made!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -96- Somewhere Stands... Skull Island!/ What Have I Created?

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -97- The Sovereign and the Savages / The Legions of The Living Lightning

    Tome 97
  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -98- ...To Destroy the Realm Eternal!/ The Puppet and the Power!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -99- When the Monster Wakes!/ When Falls the Holocaust!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -100- Let There Be Battle!

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  • Tales to Astonish Vol. 1 (1959) -101- Where Walk the Immortals! / ...and Evil Shall Beckon!

    Tome 101

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