Tales from the DC Dark Multiverse (2020)
1. Tales from the DC Dark Multiverse
Une BD de
Scott Snyder
Brad Walker
chez DC Comics
- 2020
Snyder, Scott
Seeley, Tim
Groom, Mat
Loveness, Jeff
Higgins, Kyle
Tynion IV, James
Johns, Geoff
Jurgens, Dan
Moench, Doug
Wolfman, Marv
Hotz, Kyle
Albert, Oclair
Wong, Walden
DeCarlo, Mike
Vines, Dexter
Reis, Ivan
Hennessy, Andrew
Breeding, Brett
Lanning, Andy
Giordano, Dick
Ryan, Matthew
Lopresti, Aaron
Miki, Danny
Pérez, George
Raney, Tom
Walker, Brad
Aparo, Jim
Jurgens, Dan
Jimenez, Phil
Rapmund, Norm
Guimarães, Alex
03/2020 (03 mars 2020) 448 pages 9781779501370 Format comics 406789
Featuring top author and artist talent, Tales from the DC Dark Multiverse is going beyond the Multiverse and diving deep into the dark with new timelines and shaking up the defining moments in DC history. What are the consequences if The Joker s aim had hit James Gordon instead of Barbara? What would the DC Universe look like? Tales from the DC Dark Multiverse is a hard cover format collecting stories from DC Universe alternate timelines!