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Couverture de Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -4- In the White Room
©DC Comics 1982 Pasko, Martin/Yeates, Tom
Parution le 01/08/1982. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 04/11/2017 (Dernière modification le 05/11/2017 à 18:47) par jr5902

Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982)

4. In the White Room

Une BD de et Yeates, Tom chez DC Comics - 1982
Pasko, Martin (Scénario) Barr, Mike (Scénario) Yeates, Tom (Dessin) Tony DeZuniga (Dessin) Wood, Tatjana (Couleurs) Roy, Adrienne (Couleurs) Costanza, John (Lettrage) Oda, Ben (Lettrage) Yeates, Tom (Couverture)

08/1982 (01 aout 1982) 25 pages Format comics 5 à 10 euros 314791

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  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -1- What Peace There May Be in Silence

    Tome 1
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -2- Something To Live For

    Tome 2
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -3- A Town Has Turned To Blood

    Tome 3
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -4- In the White Room

    Tome 4
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -5- (sans titre)

    Tome 5
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -6- (sans titre)

    Tome 6
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -7- (sans titre)

    Tome 7
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -8- (sans titre)

    Tome 8
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -9- (sans titre)

    Tome 9
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -10- (sans titre)

    Tome 10
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -11- (sans titre)

    Tome 11
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -12- (sans titre)

    Tome 12
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -13- (sans titre)

    Tome 13
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -14- (sans titre)

    Tome 14
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -15- (sans titre)

    Tome 15
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -16- (sans titre)

    Tome 16
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -17- ...And Things That Go Bump in the Night

    Tome 17
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -18- (sans titre)

    Tome 18
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -19- (sans titre)

    Tome 19
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -20- (sans titre)

    Tome 20
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -21- (sans titre)

    Tome 21
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -32- Pog

    Tome 32
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -40- The Curse

    Tome 40
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -42- Strange Fruit

    Tome 42
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -43- Windfall

    Tome 43
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -44- Bogeymen

    Tome 44
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -45- Ghost Dance

    Tome 45
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -47- The Parliament of Tree

    Tome 47
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -48- A murder of crows

    Tome 48
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -59- Reunion

    Tome 59
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -65- (We Could Be) Diving for Pearls

    Tome 65
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -66- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

    Tome 66
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -67- The Wisdom of Solomon

    Tome 67
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -68- Reflections in a Golden Eye

    Tome 68
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -69- Wild Thing

    Tome 69
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -70- The Secret Life of Plants

    Tome 70
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -71- Fear of Flying

    Tome 71
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -72- Gargles in the Rat Race Choir

    Tome 72
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -73- The Fire Next Door

    Tome 73
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -74- Center of the Cyclone

    Tome 74
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -75- The Thinker

    Tome 75
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -76- L'Adoration de la Terre

    Tome 76
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -77- Infernal Triangles

    Tome 77
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -78- To Sow One's Seed in the Wind

    Tome 78
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -79- Waiting for God (Oh!)

    Tome 79
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -80- The Longest Day

    Tome 80
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -81- Widowsweed

    Tome 81
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -82- Brothers in Arms Part Two

    Tome 82
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -83- Brothers in Arms Part One

    Tome 83
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -84- Final Payment

    Tome 84
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -85- My Name Is Nobody

    Tome 85
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -86- Heroes of the Revolution

    Tome 86
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -87- Fall of the House of Pendragon

    Tome 87
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -88- Survival of the Fittest

    Tome 88
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -89- Founding Fathers

    Tome 89
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -90- Journeys

    Tome 90
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -91- Augurs and Offerings

    Tome 91
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -92- La Terre qui Disparait

    Tome 92
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -93- Capturing the Moments of Your Life

    Tome 93
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -94- The Mysterious Axman's Jazz

    Tome 94
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -95- Toxic Wonderland

    Tome 95
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -96- Hell to Pay

    Tome 96
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -97- Scattered Houses

    Tome 97
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -98- Family Reunion

    Tome 98
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -99- Leaves in a Tempest

    Tome 99
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -100- Tales of Eden

    Tome 100
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -101- Keepsakes

    Tome 101
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -102- And All the King's Horses...

    Tome 102
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -103- Exodus

    Tome 103
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -104- Matango

    Tome 104
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -105- Living Sacrifices

    Tome 105
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -106- Dead Tribes and Forgotten Souls

    Tome 106
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -107- Stabs of Life Echoing in a Void

    Tome 107
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -108- Siege

    Tome 108
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -109- A Descent of Shadows

    Tome 109
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -110- Any Deadly Thing

    Tome 110
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -111- Zydeco Ya-Ya

    Tome 111
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -112- All the Swamp King's Men

    Tome 112
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -113- Fear and Loathing on the Bayou Trail

    Tome 113
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -114- Pirate's Alley

    Tome 114
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -115- Rum, Necromancy, & the Lash

    Tome 115
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -117- The Growing Season

    Tome 117
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -117- The Lord of Misrule

    Tome 117
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -118- A Child's Garden

    Tome 118
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -119- The Bad Man

    Tome 119
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -120- Lady Jane

    Tome 120
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -121- Laissez les Bon Temps Rulers

    Tome 121
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -122- The eye of the needle

    Tome 122
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -123- Punctures

    Tome 123
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -124- Husks

    Tome 124
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -125- Family Reunion

    Tome 125
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -126- The Big Picture

    Tome 126
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -127- Project Proteus

    Tome 127
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -128- Toxic Shock

    Tome 128
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -129- Swamp Fever

    Tome 129
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -130- Home Sick

    Tome 130
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -131- Folk Remedy

    Tome 131
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -132- Home Body

    Tome 132
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -133- Daisy Chain

    Tome 133
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -134- She's Leaving Houma

    Tome 134
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -135- Marital Problems

    Tome 135
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -136- Cross Pollination

    Tome 136
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -137- Dead Relatives

    Tome 137
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -138- And in the End...

    Tome 138
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -139- The mind fields part two

    Tome 139
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -140- Vegetable Man

    Tome 140
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -147- Amsterdamnation

    Tome 147
  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -AN02- Down Amongst the Dead Men

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -AN03- Annual 3

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -AN04- Threads

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -AN07- A Child's Garden Revisited

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT_01- The Root of All Evil

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT_02- Darker Genesis

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT_03- Trial by Fire

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT01- Swamp Thing Volume One

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT02- Swamp Thing Volume Two

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT03- Swamp Thing Volume Three

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT04- Swamp Thing Volume Four

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT05- Swamp Thing Volume Five

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT06- Swamp Thing Volume Six

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT07- Swamp Thing Volume Seven

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT08- Swamp Thing Volume Eight

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT09- Swamp Thing Volume Nine

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT1- Saga of the Swamp Thing

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT10- Swamp Thing Volume Ten

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT11- Swamp Thing Volume Eleven

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT2- Love & Death

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT3- The curse

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT4- A murder of crows

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT5- Earth to earth

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INT6- Reunion

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INTHC1a- Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 1

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INTHC2- Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 2

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INTHC3a- Saga of the Swamp Thing Book Three

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INTHC4a- Saga of the Swamp Thing Book Four

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INTHC5- Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 5

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -INTHC6- Saga of the Swamp Thing, Book 6


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Toutes les éditions de cet album

  • Swamp Thing Vol.2 (DC Comics - 1982) -4- In the White Room ©DC Comics 1982 Pasko, Martin/Yeates, Tom

    4 . In the White Room

    Info édition : Swamp Thing: In the White Room (Sc: Martin Pasko; D, E: Tom Yeates; C: Tatjana Wood; L: John Costanza) (17 p.) - The Phantom Stranger: Hospital of Fear (Sc: Mike W. Barr; D, E: Tony De Zuniga; C : Adrienne Roy ; L : Ben Oda) (8 p., histoire à suivre)