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Couverture de Superman (TPB) -INTa- The death of Superman
©DC Comics 2000 Jurgens
Parution en 12/2000. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 19/09/2009 (Dernière modification le 11/06/2012 à 21:26) par jmc95

Superman (TPB)

INTa. The death of Superman

Une BD de chez DC Comics - 2000

12/2000 172 pages Format comics 94443

  • Currently 3.50/10
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  • 6

Note: 3.5/5 (2 votes)

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Toutes les éditions de cet album

  • Superman (TPB) -INTa- The death of Superman ©DC Comics 2000 Jurgens

    INTa . The death of Superman

    Info édition : Include Action Comics #683-684 & the adventures of Superman #496-497 & Superman #73-75 & Supeman : the man of steel #17-19 & Justice League America #69

  • Superman (TPB) -2013- The Death of Superman ©DC Comics 2013 Johnson/Godlewski

    2013 . The Death of Superman

    • 510983
    • Johnson, Phillip Kennedy
    • Godlewski, Scott
    • Eltaeb, Gabe
    • 02/2013 (Parution le 26/02/2013)
    • de 15 à 20 euros
    • DC Comics
    • Format comics
    • 978-1-401-24182-7
    • 154
    • 09/12/2024 (modifié le 13/12/2024 18:47)

    Info édition : SUPERMAN: THE DEATH OF SUPERMAN is not only one of the best selling graphic novels of all-time, but also captures one of the most iconic moments in American pop culture. Collects SUPERMAN: THE MAN OF STEEL #18-19, JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #69, SUPERMAN #74-75, ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN #496-497 and ACTION COMICS #684.

  • Superman (TPB) -INTb- The death of Superman ©DC Comics 2016 Jurgens/Bogdanove

    INTb . The death of Superman

    • 308200
    • Jurgens, Dan
    • Bogdanove, Jon
    • D'Angelo, Gene
    • Breeding, Brett
    • Costanza, John
    • 05/2016 (Parution le 01/05/2016)
    • 05/2016
    • non coté
    • DC Comics
    • Format comics
    • 978-1-401-26665-3
    • 160
    • 31/07/2017 (modifié le 30/09/2017 20:57)

    Info édition : 3rd Edition - 1st printing. Collects Superman: The Man of Steel (1991-2003) #17-19, Superman (1987-2011 2nd Series) #73-75, Adventures of Superman (1987-2006) #496-498, Action Comics (1938-2011 DC) #683-684, and Newstime: The Life and Death of Superman (1993). Written by Dan Jurgens, Jerry Ordway, Louis Simonson, and Roger Stern. Art by Dan Jurgens, Jon Bogdanove, Tom Grummett, And Jackson Guice. Cover by Dan Jurgens and Brett Breeding. Doomsday. A creature with a single-minded purpose of death and destruction. He has landed on Earth, laying waste to anything-and anyone-who dares stand in his way. The Justice League makes a valiant, but ultimately desperate, attempt to stop the unknown juggernaut. When the beast nears Metropolis, Superman answers the call to stop him. And then the unthinkable happens. The Man of Steel...dies. DC Entertainment presents a new edition of the best-selling graphic novel of all time! Softcover, 224 pages, full color. NOTE: This volume looks fantastic on the bookshelf with the others 4 volumes in the series (Superman Funeral For a Friend TPB (2016 DC), Superman Reign of the Supermen TPB (2016 DC), Superman The Return of Superman TPB (2016 DC) New Edition, and Superman Doomsday TPB (2016 DC) New Edition). When side-by-side, their spines unite to create the unforgettable Death of Superman Symbol. - Odinson, Lone Star Comics Archivist Cover price $17.99