Superman (TPB)
INT. The One Who Fell
Une BD de
Phillip Kennedy Johnson
Scott Godlewski
chez DC Comics
- 2021
Johnson, Phillip Kennedy
Godlewski, Scott
Eltaeb, Gabe
Rapmund, Norm
Godlewski, Scott
Gapstur, Eric
Sharpe, Dave
11/2021 (09 novembre 2021) 136 pages 9781779512642 Format comics 444926
In “The Golden Age” Jonathan Kent is back from the 31st century and fighting cosmic threats alongside his legendary father, Clark Kent. But when an interdimensional breach opens near Earth, Jon recognizes the creatures that emerge: the cosmic leviathans that the Legion of Super-Heroes credits with the death of Superman! As Superboy desperately tries to save Superman’s life from the leviathans of the breach, Superman discovers the breach’s shocking origins. But with his powers mysteriously fading, he is utterly outmatched. Can Superboy change the... Lire la suite