Superman (TPB)
INT. Superman vs. Zod
Une BD de
Cary Bates
Curt Swan
chez DC Comics
- 2013
Bates, Cary
Johns, Geoff
Gerber, Steve
Donner, Richard
Bernstein, Robert
Swan, Curt
Saviuk, Alex
Veitch, Rick
Morales, Rags
Papp, George
Barrows, Eddy
03/2013 (02 avril 2013) 144 pages 9781401238490 Format comics 186827
Some of Superman's greatest battles with his Kryptonian foe, General Zod, are collected for the first time. In his first appearance, Zod meets Superboy, projecting him into the Phantom Zone, the cosmic prison for Kryptonian criminals. Then, in stories from the 1980s, Zod and his Phantom Zone cadre of lieutenants battles Superman again. Then, a tale from 2007 written by comics superstar Geoff Johns and film director Richard Donner looks at the roots of Zod's treachery in Krypton's past.