Superman (TPB)
INT. Superman: The Journey
Une BD de
Marc Verhaegen
Byrne, John
chez DC Comics
- 2006
Verhaegen, Marc
Simone, Gail
Byrne, John
Benes, Ed
Derenick, Tom
Reis, Ivan
Prado, Joe
Ramalho, Elton
Major, Guy
Reis, Rod
Benes, Ed
02/2006 (22 février 2006) 144 pages 1401209181 Format comics 305976
The events that have turned the DCU upside down are reflected in this collection of stories from SUPERMAN #117, 121-125 with pages from ACTION COMICS #83. After his first contact with an OMAC, Superman must contend with the arrivals of Bizarro and Zoom, before dealing once and for all with a souped-up Blackrock!