Superman (TPB)
INT. Superman: Camelot Falls Volume 2
Une BD de
Kurt Busiek
Carlos Pacheco
chez DC Comics
- 2008
Busiek, Kurt
Pacheco, Carlos
Sinclair, Alex
Merino, Jesús
Pacheco, Carlos
02/2008 (27 février 2008) 128 pages 1401215661 Format comics 305982
The epic storyline from fan-favorites Kurt Busiek, Carlos Pacheco and Jesus Merino concludes in this volume collecting SUPERMAN #662-664 and #667-668! The Man of Steel defends Metropolis from harm, but now he faces a dilemma: Are his heroics only making things worse? It all leads to a brawl between Superman and Arion of Atlantis miles beneath the Atlantic! But can Superman's Kryptonian might stand up to the magic of a sorcerer? And what will the outcome of the battle mean for the fate of the world?