Superman (TPB)
Funeral For A Friend
Une BD de
Dan Jurgens
Jon Bogdanove
chez DC Comics
- 2016
Jurgens, Dan
Stern, Roger
Simonson, Louise
Kesel, Karl
Ordway, Jerry
Messner-Loebs, William
Bogdanove, Jon
Guice, Jackson
Burchett, Rick
Janke, Dennis
Grummett, Tom
Brigman, June
D'Angelo, Gene
Whitmore, Glenn
04/2016 (05 avril 2016) 368 pages 9781401266646 Format comics 315932
Superman was Earth's greatest hero until he sacrificed his life to stop the monster known only as Doomsday. Now the world and those who loved him must learn how to continue on without the Man of Steel. In this time of need, heroes like Supergirl, the Guardian and Gangbuster rise to the challenge and try to continue the Last Son of Kryton's legacy. But can they really fill the void left by Superman's death? As the planet mourns the man who symbolized the best humanity had to offer, Ma and Pa Kent truly grieve the death of their only son, while Lois... Lire la suite