Supergirl Vol.5 (DC Comics - 2005)
INT04. Beyond Good and Evil
Une BD de
Kelley Puckett
Johnson, Drew
chez DC Comics
- 2008
Puckett, Kelley
Busiek, Kurt
Nicieza, Fabian
Johns, Geoff
Leonardi, Rick
Guedes, Renato
Ferguson, Lee
Johnson, Drew
Anderson, Brad
Magalhães, José Wilson
Snyder, Ray
Deering, Marc
Green, Dan
Wands, Steve
Lanham, Travis
Fletcher, Jared K.
Leigh, Rob
Guedes, Renato
08/2008 (06 aout 2008) 168 pages 9781401218508 Format comics 223566
Supergirl's life takes a turn for the worse... When Kara is confronted by a ghost from Krypton, what revelations from her past will come to light?
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