Supercrooks (2012)
INT. The Heist
Une BD de
Mark Millar
Leinil Francis Yu
chez Marvel Comics
(Icon - Millarworld)
- 2013
Millar, Mark
Vigalondo, Nacho
Yu, Leinil Francis
Gho, Sunny
Tartaglia, Java
Alanguilan, Gerry
Paz, Jason
Cowles, Clayton
09/2013 (09 octobre 2013) 107 pages 9780785165446 Format comics 199467
One last heist. That's what they all say, right? Just one final score, and everyone can retire and take up fishing. Thing is, the jails are filled with super villains who thought the same thing, and got busted. But the Heat's in a jam. He's run up the kind of gambling debt that - if he can't pay it back in cash - will be paid in blood. Nobody wants to see the most beloved supercrook of all time rubbed out by the mob - especially his biggest fan, Johnny Bolt. And Johnny's got a plan to help the Heat and make all his buddies disgustingly rich at... Lire la suite
Une belle petite soupe de légumes ce Comics, je vous explique:
Les carottes c'est l'humour.
Les patates c'est l'action.
Les tomates, le fantastique avec des super-pouvoirs bien sympa.
Et la pointe de sel, les dessins parfaitement réalisés ;)
On mélange le tout est on a "SuperCrooks".
Vous l'avez deviné je le conseil vivement !