Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow (2023)
1. Issue #1
Une BD de
Kenny Porter
Jahnoy Lindsay
chez DC Comics
- 2023
Porter, Kenny
Lindsay, Jahnoy
Lindsay, Jahnoy
Lindsay, Jahnoy
Gattoni, Lucas
Lindsay, Jahnoy
04/2023 (19 avril 2023) 21 pages Format comics 472467
Conner Kent takes center stage! After the events of Dark Crisis, Conner feels out of place with the rest of the hero community. He doesn’t fit in with the rest of the Superman Family, and the rest of the world doesn’t really need him with so many Supers in Metropolis. He doesn’t want to rely on Tim, Cassie, and Bart, so Conner looks to the stars as a place he might be able to call his own and carve out his own path. But what lurks in the great unknown? Are bravado and swagger enough to help Superboy find his new calling? This is the 2022 Round... Lire la suite