Suicide Squad (2016)
2. The Black Vault, Part Two: Blitzkrieg Bop
Une BD de
Rob Williams
Jim Lee
chez DC Comics
(DC Universe Rebirth)
- 2016
Williams, Rob
Lee, Jim
Reis, Ivan
Sinclair, Alex
Maiolo, Marcelo
Williams, Scott
Albert, Oclair
Piekos, Nate
Lee, Jim
Sinclair, Alex
Williams, Scott
11/2016 32 pages Format comics 296171
Amanda Waller watches nervously as the team survive their explosive reentry and, despite being split in two, the team reconvene aboard the sub and slaughter their way through its hallways. They meet Hack who teleports them into the vault by digitalising them. Inside the vault is a large glowing orb which the scientists say is a Phantom Zone cell. There is movement which annihilates Captain Boomerang and from it emerges a larger-than-life General Zod intent on destruction.