Starlight (2014)
1A. Starlight
Une BD de Mark Millar et Goran Parlov chez Image Comics - 2014
03/2014 (05 mars 2014) 32 pages Format comics 212298
Forty years ago, Duke McQueen was the space hero who saved the universe. But then he came back home, got married, had kids, and grew old. Now his children have left and his wife has passed away, leaving him alone with nothing except his memories...until a call comes from a distant world asking him back for his final and greatest adventure. This issue launches the much-anticipated Millarworld Universe. Get in on the start of something MASSIVE! -
Choisi au hasard à la FNAC, je découvre un album au dessin intéressant (entre Rocco Vargas et Ray Banana), et surtout au scénario excellent !! on se laisse prendre au jeu de ce héro fatigué.
Et je vois dans la bédéthèque qu'il existe le tome 2 ... wow .. je vais essayer de le trouver rapidos ...