Star Wars : Tales of the jedi - Dark Lords of The Sith
3. Dark Lords of The Sith #3
Une BD de
Tom Veitch
Christian Gossett
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 1994
Veitch, Tom
Anderson, Kevin J.
Gossett, Christian
Rambo, Pamela
Ensign, Jordi
Schubert, William
Fleming, Hugh
12/1994 (01 décembre 1994) 32 pages Format comics 346809
Written by Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson. Art by Chris Gossett and Jordi Ensign. Cover by Hugh Fleming. The Krath attack! During a seemingly peaceful meeting of the Jedi Knights, a deadly blow is struck for the dark side of the Force! The first casualties of this struggle between dark and light galvanize Ulic toward a rash decision that may cost him his life. 32 pages