Star Wars : Clone Wars (2003-2006 Dark Horse)
6. On the Fields of Battle
Une BD de
John Ostrander
Jan Duursema
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 2005
Ostrander, John
Stradley, Randy
Duursema, Jan
Badeaux, Brandon
Anderson, Brad
Parsons, Dan
Thomas, Michael David
Giorello, Tomás
06/2005 158 pages Format comics 436796
From the space-station headquarters of the Bounty Hunters' Guild, to untamed worlds on the edge of the galaxy, the Jedi must go where the Clone Wars take them. Mace Windu leads an elite Jedi strikeforce against an army of trained killers in a demonstration of Jedi power and resolve...Aayla Secura must confront her former Master in an effort to retrieve the plans for a weapon that has already destroyed one world...Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker must joins forces with a renegade Jedi to prevent a fleet of warships from falling into the hands... Lire la suite