Star Wars : Clone Wars (2003-2006 Dark Horse)
5. The Best Blades
Une BD de
John Ostrander
Brandon Badeaux
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 2004
Ostrander, John
Blackman, Haden
Barlow, Jeremy
Badeaux, Brandon
Giorello, Tomás
Anderson, Brad
Durruthy, Armando
Thomas, Michael David
Giorello, Tomás
11/2004 134 pages Format normal 436795
"Try us all, these times do. In this war, unsheathed must all of the Jedi's blades be. Survive constant use, even the best blades cannot." - Master Yoda. The darkest days of the Clone Wars have arrived, when even victories are cause for abiding sorrow; when the hopes for a brighter future are lost in the turmoil of a divided galaxy; and when friendships are tools of convenience and the reason for betrayals. From political intrigue within the Senate to bloody battlefields on exotic worlds, the war has left its mark on the bystanders as well as the... Lire la suite