Star Wars : Clone Wars (2003-2006 Dark Horse)
4. Light and Dark
Une BD de
John Ostrander
Jan Duursema
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 2004
Ostrander, John
Duursema, Jan
Anderson, Brad
Parsons, Dan
Thomas, Michael David
Giorello, Tomás
06/2004 127 pages Format normal 436793
The Jedi are taught to use the Force for good; to avail themselves only to the light side. But the dark side can be a dangerous temptation to even the strongest Jedi, as Aayla Secura learns when she battles former Jedi-in-training Aurra Sing, and Quinlan Vos discovers when he crosses swords with a true master of the dark, Count Dooku. Set against the backdrop of the Clone Wars, this novel-length adventure is filled with espionage, betrayal, and amazing lightsaber battles. It all begins with a dangerous undercover assignment that leads to - well,... Lire la suite