Star Trek (2022)
10VC. Issue #10
Une BD de
Jackson Lanzing
Mike Feehan
chez IDW Publishing
- 2023
Lanzing, Jackson
Kelly, Collin
Feehan, Mike
Loughridge, Lee
Cowles, Clayton
Mason, Justin
07/2023 (12 juillet 2023) 24 pages Format comics 477341
Don't miss out on the lead up to the Day of Blood crossover event between the Star Trek and Star Trek: Defiant ongoing series! Lieutenant Shaxs receives visions from the Bajoran Prophets. He sees his past and his future, and he sees the trial of Benjamin Sisko. The crew of the Theseus must fight their way back together after being separated across Cardassian space before their Captain's fate is set in stone and Kahless can carry out his promise of more bloodshed...