Star Brand (1986)
INT02. New Universe Volume 2
Une BD de
Byrne, John
chez Marvel Comics
- 2016
Byrne, John
Gruenwald, Mark
Mackie, Howard
Parker, Jeff
Byrne, John
Buscema, Sal
Pulido, Javier
Dwyer, Kieron
Yanchus, Andrew
Loughridge, Lee
Jackson, Janet
08/2016 (31 aout 2016) 320 pages 9781302900878 Format comics 288271
Ken Connell wields the awesome power of the Star Brand! But will he be remembered as the New Universe's greatest hero, or its most terrible threat? Ken gets a whole new look, but when he goes public with his uncanny abilities, the consequences are far beyond anything he ever expected! The mysterious old man returns, the true nature of the White Event is revealed and Ken's son is born! But when he tries to rid himself of the Star Brand, it's goodbye Pittsburgh! You will not believe who takes on comics' finest tattoo.