Spider-Man : Hobgoblin Lives (1997)
3. Secrets
Une BD de
Roger Stern
Ron Frenz
chez Marvel Comics
- 1997
Stern, Roger
Frenz, Ron
Scheele, Christie
McLeod, Bob
Novak, Jim
Frenz, Ron
Pérez, George
04/1997 32 pages Format comics Moins 5 euros 468108
Shock follows shock as the secret origin of the Hobgoblin is finally revealed! Everything Spidey's loyal readers thought they knew about the Hobgoblin 10 years ago changes in an instant! After the goblin captures Betty, he decides to grant her an exclusive interview! Of course Betty doesn't know that once the interview ends...so will her life! But the unexpected intervention of Daniel Kingsley gives Betty a chance to run! And the Amazing Spider-Man a chance to attack! At long, long last...the wondrous wall-crawler and the sinister Hobgoblin fight... Lire la suite