Spider-Man (1re série)
34. Bouffon connection
Une BD de <Collectif> chez Marvel France - 1999
11/1999 Format comics 14892
Contient: - Spectacular Spider-man (I) 259 "Bouffon connection (1): Survivre au mensonge" (Spectacular Spider-man (I) 259 "Goblins at the Gate Part 1 - Survivor of the Big Lie" 07/1998). - Spectacular Spider-man (I) 260 "Bouffon connection (2): Spidey s'en mêle" (Spectacular Spider-man (I) 260 "Goblins At The Gate Part 2: Spider in the Middle" 08/1998). - Spectacular Spider-man (I) 261 "Bouffon connection (3): L'arnaque" (Spectacular Spider-man (I) 261 "Goblins At The Gate (Part 3): Bad Business" 09/1998). - Spider-man (I) 95 "Chute libre" (Spider-man... Lire la suite