Spider-Man (1re série)
21. L'étreinte du vampire !
Une BD de <Collectif> chez Marvel France - 1998
10/1998 Format comics 14879
Contient: - Spider-man (I) 77 "Le baisser du vampire" (Spider-man (I) 77 "The Vampire's Kiss" 02/1997). - Spider-man (I) 78 "Une femme amoureuse" (Spider-man (I) 77 "The Love Of A Woman" 03/1997). - Amazing Spider-man (I) 421 "Le dragon sème la mort" (Amazing Spider-man 421 "Enter: The Dragonfly!" 03/1997). - Amazing Spider-man (I) 421 "Machinations" (Amazing Spider-man 421 "Hidden agendas!" 03/1997). - Amazing Spider-man (I) 422 "Electrochoc" (Amazing Spider-man 422 " Exposed Wiring" 04/1997)