Spawn: The Undead (1999)
3. My Soul to Keep
Une BD de
Paul Jenkins
Dwayne Turner
chez Image Comics
(Todd McFarlane Productions)
- 1999
Jenkins, Paul
Turner, Dwayne
Broeker, Todd
Hutchinson, Drew
Wolf, Chance
Starkings, Richard
Gongora, Oscar
Broeker, Todd
Turner, Dwayne
Wolf, Chance
08/1999 22 pages Format comics 280688
As Spawn struggles to understand his place in the conflict between Heaven and Hell, he encounters many people who are struggling to face the horrors of their own lives. In this issue, we meet a woman haunted by her past and drowning in the depression it has created. It seems as though no one will help--no one cares. Can Spawn help her find the will to be free?