Seven Soldiers of Victory (DC comics - 2005)
1. Volume One
Une BD de
Grant Morrison
chez DC Comics
- 2006
Morrison, Grant
Williams III, J.H.
Bianchi, Simone
Irving, Frazer
Sook, Ryan
Stewart, Cameron
Stewart, Dave
Irving, Frazer
Baumann, Moose
Eyring, Nathan
Williams III, J.H.
Bianchi, Simone
Irving, Frazer
Gray, Mick
Stewart, Cameron
Klein, Todd
Fletcher, Jared K.
Brosseau, Pat
Leigh, Rob
Bianchi, Simone
Stewart, Dave
01/2006 192 pages 1401209254 Format comics 116439
Comprising seven different 4-issue miniseries and two bookend Specials, this colossal 30-part tale of death, betrayal, failure, joy, loss, romance, triumph and redemption is now collected in a 4-volume series of trade paperbacks! Independently, each of these characters are featured in a story arc of their own that redefines their purpose in the DCU. But their stories also interweave with the other Soldiers' tales, forming a grander story of a devastating global threat to mankind - with the ties between them becoming more evident in each new volume.... Lire la suite