Seven Soldiers of Victory (DC comics - 2005)
INT2. Volume 2
Une BD de
Grant Morrison
Irving, Frazer
chez DC Comics
- 2011
Morrison, Grant
Irving, Frazer
Williams III, J.H.
Mahnke, Doug
Paquette, Yanick
Sook, Ryan
Williams II, Freddie E.
Ferry, Pasqual
Patton, Billy Dallas
02/2011 (02 mars 2011) 400 pages 9781401229634 Format comics 161482
SEVEN SOLDIERS is an epic tale of life, death, triumph and redemption that explores the nature of heroism and sacrifice. The Bulleteer, Mister Miracle and Frankenstein are each featured in a story that redefines their purpose in the DC Universe. But their stories also interweave with each other’s, telling a grander story of a devastating global threat to mankind. Together, these reluctant champions must work together to save the world from the insidious threat of the invading Sheeda warriors – without even meeting one another.