Sea of Red (Image Comics - 2005)
INT03. the deadlights
Une BD de
Rick Remender
Paul Harmon
chez Image Comics
- 2006
Remender, Rick
Dwyer, Kieron
Harmon, Paul
Dwyer, Kieron
Harmon, Paul
Harmon, Paul
Dukeshire, Ed
12/2006 (26 décembre 2006) 120 pages 9781582406664 Format comics 420892
The fight Lesser Blackthroat has waged the past fifteen hundred years is lost when an ancient sect of the Catholic Church unleashes a plague of vampirism upon the world. Marco Esperanza must come to terms with his role in it all, as all he cares for hangs in the balance. To all things comes an end, even for the immortal.