Scarlet (DC Comics - 2018)
INT01. Volume One
Une BD de
Brian Michael Bendis
Alex Maleev
chez DC Comics
(Jinx World)
- 2019
Bendis, Brian Michael
Maleev, Alex
Maleev, Alex
Reed, Josh
Maleev, Alex
04/2019 (30 avril 2019) 144 pages 9781401290627 Format comics 370323
Power. Corruption. Lies. In a country much like our own, these forces were wielded against innocent people everywhere, and the spark that finally lit the fires of rebellion could have come from anyone. But the new American Revolution began in the streets of Portland, Oregon--and it was Scarlet Rue who struck the match. Striking back against the corrupt police who tore her life apart, Scarlet has become a counterculture sensation and the leader of an uprising that has reclaimed her city from the powers that controlled it. Now her insurrection is... Lire la suite