Red/Tokyo Storm Warning (2004)
Red/Tokyo Storm Warning
Une BD de
Warren Ellis
Cully Hamner
chez DC Comics
- 2004
Ellis, Warren
Hamner, Cully
D'Anda, Carlos
Raiz, James
Self, David
Wildstorm FX
Scott, Trevor
Currie, Andrew
Hamner, Cully
Costanza, John
Heisler, Mike
Wildstorm FX
Self, David
Friend, Richard
Raiz, James
Hamner, Cully
04/2004 132 pages 1401202837 Format comics 285274
In RED, Ellis and artist Cully Hamnerbring us a stark tale of revenge, as retired CIA killer Paul Moses finds himself forced back into the game to gain revenge on the agency that trained him! In TOKYO STORM WARNING, Ellis joins James Raiz for a tale of giant robots taking on atomic monsters in Japan's capital city in a desperate clash for survival and supremacy!