6. Le cristal de Chéops | BNT78 | Très bon état | 3.00€ |
Info édition : Contient: - Power Man et Iron Fist (I) 56 "Le cristal de Chéops (1)" (Power Man and Iron Fist (I) 56 "The Scarab's Sting!" 04/1979). - Power Man et Iron Fist (I) 57 "Le cristal de Chéops (2)" (Power Man and Iron Fist (I) 57 "Pharaohs on Broad Way!" 06/1979). - Power Man et Iron Fist (I) 58 "La lame de justice" (Power Man and Iron Fist (I) 58 "El Aguila Has Landed!" 08/1979). - Power Man et Iron Fist (I) 59 "Bombe à New York" (Power Man and Iron Fist (I) 59 "Big Apple Bomber" 10/1979).