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Couverture de Power Man (1974) -35- Of Memories, Both Vicious and Haunting
©Marvel Comics 1976 McGregor, Don/Severin
Parution en 09/1976. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 03/07/2018 (Dernière modification le 03/07/2018 à 11:10) par Jean-Phi

Power Man (1974)

35. Of Memories, Both Vicious and Haunting

Une BD de et Marie Severin chez Marvel Comics - 1976
McGregor, Don (Scénario) Wolfman, Marv (Scénario) Severin, Marie (Dessin) Rache, Phil (Couleurs) Giacoia, Frank (Encrage) Giella, Joe (Encrage) Adkins, Dan (Couverture) Severin, Marie (Couverture)

09/1976 17 pages Format comics 5 à 10 euros 337702

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Power Man (1974) -17- Rich Man: Iron Man, Power Man: Thief

    Tome 17
  • Power Man (1974) -18- Havoc On the High Iron!

    Tome 18
  • Power Man (1974) -19- Call Him Cottonmouth!

    Tome 19
  • Power Man (1974) -20- How Like a Serpent's Tooth...

    Tome 20
  • Power Man (1974) -21- The Killer with My Name!

    Tome 21
  • Power Man (1974) -22- The Broadway Mayhem of 1974

    Tome 22
  • Power Man (1974) -23- Welcome To Security City

    Tome 23
  • Power Man (1974) -24- Among Us Walks... Black Goliath!

    Tome 24
  • Power Man (1974) -25- Crime and Circuses

    Tome 25
  • Power Man (1974) -26- The Night Shocker!

    Tome 26
  • Power Man (1974) -27- Just a Guy Named

    Tome 27
  • Power Man (1974) -28- The Man Who Killed Jiminy Cricket!

    Tome 28
  • Power Man (1974) -29- No One Laughs At Mr. Fish

    Tome 29
  • Power Man (1974) -30- Look What They've Done To Our Lives, Ma!

    Tome 30
  • Power Man (1974) -31- Over the Years They Murdered the Stars!

    Tome 31
  • Power Man (1974) -32- The Fire This Time!

    Tome 32
  • Power Man (1974) -33- Sticks and Stones Will Break Your Bones, But Spears Can Kill You

    Tome 33
  • Power Man (1974) -34- Death, Taxes, and Springtime Vendettas!

    Tome 34
  • Power Man (1974) -35- Of Memories, Both Vicious and Haunting

    Tome 35
  • Power Man (1974) -36- Chemistro

    Tome 36
  • Power Man (1974) -37- Chemistro Is Back, Deadlier Than Ever

    Tome 37
  • Power Man (1974) -38- -- Big Brother Wants You... Dead!

    Tome 38
  • Power Man (1974) -39- Battle With the Baron

    Tome 39
  • Power Man (1974) -40- Rush Hour To Limbo

    Tome 40
  • Power Man (1974) -41- Thunderbolt and Goldbug!

    Tome 41
  • Power Man (1974) -42- Gold! Gold! Who's Got the Gold?

    Tome 42
  • Power Man (1974) -43- The Death of Luke Cage!

    Tome 43
  • Power Man (1974) -44- Murder Is the Man Called Mace

    Tome 44
  • Power Man (1974) -45- The Day Chicago Died

    Tome 45
  • Power Man (1974) -46- Countdown To Catastrophe!

    Tome 46
  • Power Man (1974) -47- Hot Time In the Old Town Tonight!

    Tome 47
  • Power Man (1974) -48- Fist of Iron - Heart of Stone

    Tome 48
  • Power Man (1974) -49- Seagate is a Lonely Place to Die !

    Tome 49
  • Power Man (1974) -AN01- Earthshock!

  • Power Man (1974) -HS- Giant-Size Power Man: A Rage Of Retribution!


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