The order (2002)
6. Out of Order
Une BD de
Kurt Busiek
Matt Haley
chez Marvel Comics
- 2002
Busiek, Kurt
Duffy, Jo
Haley, Matt
Wright, Gregory
Panosian, Dan
Gentile, Randy
Pacheco, Carlos
Merino, Jesús
07/2002 (24 juillet 2002) 23 pages Format comics 510400
It’s all-out war between the Order and Earth’s Assembled Heroes. The battle is interrupted by The Defenders, Namorita, She-Hulk, Clea, Ardina, Dr. Christopher Ganyrog, Romantic Objective Pamela, and the Masters of the Mental Arts from the planet Yann. Energy attacks racing towards the Order are blocked by their female counterparts, who have housed the human psyches of the Order. Rejoining their core personalities breaks Yandroth’s hold over the Order, and they return to normal. Gaea also revokes the bind of the curse, setting the Order free once... Lire la suite