The order (2002)
4. Norrin's Rib
Une BD de
Kurt Busiek
Dan Jurgens
chez Marvel Comics
- 2002
Busiek, Kurt
Duffy, Jo
Jurgens, Dan
Wright, Gregory
Smith, Tom
Layton, Bob
Gentile, Sal
Pacheco, Carlos
Merino, Jesús
05/2002 (08 mai 2002) 22 pages Format comics 510398
The Defenders and their new allies need a female analogue to the Silver Surfer to defeat the Order. To that end, they secretly invade the Order’s home via magical means and stab the Surfer with a mystic blade. The resulting energies then create a female named Ardina. The attack also alerts the Order, who again defeat the Defenders and sends them somewhere else.