Nova Vol.5 (2013)
INT02. Rookie Season
Une BD de
Zeb Wells
Carlo Barberi
chez Marvel Comics
(Marvel Now!)
- 2014
Wells, Zeb
Barberi, Carlo
McGuinness, Ed
López, David
Curiel, David
Livesay, John
Vlasco, Juan
Pallot, Terry
McGuinness, Ed
02/2014 (19 mars 2014) 136 pages 9780785168393 Format comics 213460
Now that we've learned the origin of the all-new Nova, there's only one thing standing between Sam Alexander and being an Avenger...he needs to ask his mom. Zeb Wells ("Robot Chicken") and Paco Medina (Ultimate X-Men) continue the story of Marvel's newest, least experienced hero, as he takes on the Superior Spider-Man and encounters the madness that is Infinity! But can Nova handle his first taste of the power of a mad cosmic god? Sam may be well out of his depth, but he's about to get backup from some allies of the original Nova: that's right,... Lire la suite