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  • Se souvenir de moi
J'ai oublié mon mot de passe
Couverture de Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT13- Leaping into the light
©DC Comics 2023 Taylor/Redondo
Parution le 31/03/2023. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 12/10/2023 (Dernière modification le 07/01/2024 à 18:07) par Jean-Phi

Nightwing Vol.4 (2016)

INT13. Leaping into the light

Une BD de et Bruno Redondo chez DC Comics - 2023

03/2023 (31 mars 2023) 9781779516992 Format comics 484476

Nightwing is back in Bludhaven, and his drive to keep his adopted city safe has never been stronger! But protecting Bludhaven is no small task, especially now that it's being menaced by Nightwing's most terrifying foe yet: a mysterious and murderous villain with a penchant for stealing his victims' hearts...known only as Heartless. The city Nightwing has sworn to defend has also appointed a new mayor...with the last name Zucco. When Dick investigates the politician bearing the same name as the man who murdered his parents, he discovers details... Lire la suite

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -5- Night of the Monster Men, Part 2

    Tome 5
  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -6- Night of the Monster Men, Part 5

    Tome 6
  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -29- Gotham Resistance Part 2:

    Tome 29
  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -89- World's Finest Sons, Part 1

    Tome 89
  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -99VC- Issue #99

    Tome 99
  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -110VC- Issue #110

    Tome 110
  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -117VC- Issue #117

    Tome 117
  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT01- Better Than Batman

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT02- Back to bludhaven

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT03- Nightwing must die

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT04- Blockbuster

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT05- Raptor's revenge

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT06- the untouchable

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT07- The bleeding edge

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT08- Knight terrors

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT09- Burnback

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT10- The Gray Son Legacy

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT11- The Joker War

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT13- Leaping into the light

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT14- Fear State

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT15- Get grayson

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT16- The Battle for Blüdhaven's Heart

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT17- The Leap

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INT18- Time of the Titans

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INTHC01- The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 1

  • Nightwing Vol.4 (2016) -INTHC02- The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Book 2


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