Moon Knight Vol.9 (2021)
INT01. The Midnight Mission
Une BD de
Jed MacKay
Alessandro Cappuccio
chez Marvel Comics
- 2022
MacKay, Jed
Cappuccio, Alessandro
Rosenberg, Rachelle
Cappuccio, Alessandro
Petit, Cory
McNiven, Steve
D'Armata, Frank
02/2022 (15 février 2022) 144 pages 9781302931100 Format comics 455973
The mysterious Mr. Knight has opened his Midnight Mission, his people petitioning him to shelter them from the weird and horrible. The Moon Knight stalks the rooftops and alleys marked with his crescent moon tag, bringing violence to any who would harm his flock. Marc Spector, in whichever guise he dons, is back on the streets, a renegade priest of an unworthy god. But while Khonshu languishes in prison, Moon Knight’s duty still must be observed: the protection of those who travel at night. But what happens when those he would save are turned into... Lire la suite