Moon Knight Vol.1 (1980)
21. The Master of Night Earth!
Une BD de
Moench, Doug
Alcázar, Vicente
chez Marvel Comics
- 1982
Moench, Doug
Zelenetz, Alan
Alcázar, Vicente
LaRocque, Greg
Scheele, Christie
Tartaglione, John
Simons, Dave
Camp, Bob
Watanabe, Irving
Albers, Diana
Sienkiewicz, Bill
07/1982 (01 juillet 1982) 27 pages Format comics 5 à 10 euros 325233
"The Master of Night Earth!" (20 p.): Sc: Doug Moench; D: Vicente Alcazar; E: Bob Camp (p. 1-2, 4-7, 10, 13, 15, 18), John Tartaglione (p. 3, 8-9, 11-12, 14, 16-17, 19-20); C: Christie Scheele; L: Irving Watanabe - "Tale of Khonshu: Murder by Moonlight" (7 p.): Sc: Alan Zelenetz; D: Greg LaRocque ; E: Dave Simons ; C: Christie Scheele; L: Diana Albers
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