Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
INT12. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers volume 12
Une BD de
Ryan Parrott
Daniele Di Nicuolo
chez Boom Studios
- 2020
Parrott, Ryan
Di Nicuolo, Daniele
Baiamonte, Walter
Ranalli, Katia
Monti, Igor
Dukeshire, Ed
Campbell, Jamal
09/2020 (15 septembre 2020) 112 pages 9781684155521 Format comics 477501
A shocking traitor is revealed as the all-new OMEGA RANGERS-Jason, Zack and Trini-must turn to the MIGHTY MORPHIN POWER RANGERS to face the threat they never expected! But even as old friends and new allies join forces, can they put aside their mistrust to defeat an enemy with a mission to destroy EVERY Power Ranger in existence?