Marvel Universe Hors Série (Panini - 2008)
14. Le Nouveau Monde
Une BD de
Nick Spencer
Ross, Luke
chez Panini Comics
- 2013
Spencer, Nick
Bendis, Brian Michael
Loeb, Jeph
Fraction, Matt
Hopeless, Dennis
Ross, Luke
McGuinness, Ed
McNiven, Steve
Allred, Mike
Walta, Gabriel
Loughridge, Lee
Ponsor, Justin
Allred, Laura
Curiel, David
Gracia, Marte
05/2013 (17 mai 2013) 9782908432466 Format comics 189993
- Nick Fury , agent du SHIELD "Interrogatoire" (Marvel Now! point one "NYSE" 12/2012). - Star-Lord " Guardian de la Galaxie" (Marvel Now! point one "Guardians Of The Galaxy" 12/2012). - Nova "Diamondhead" (Marvel Now! point one "Diamondhead" 12/2012). - Miss America "Le nouveaux Monde" (Marvel Now! point one "The New World" 12/2012). - Ant-Man "C'est de l'art!" (Marvel Now! point one "It's Art!" 12/2012). - Forge "Faut il être fou" (Marvel Now! point one "Crazy Enough" 12/2012).