Marvel Magazine
29. Marvel 29
Une BD de
Scott Lobdell
Steve Epting
chez Marvel France
- 1999
Lobdell, Scott
Moore, John Francis
Vaughan, Brian K.
Epting, Steve
Napolitano, Nick J.
Hamner, Cully
Tinsley, Kevin
Scheele, Christie
Milgrom, Al
Martin, Jason
Semal, Christophe
Belingard, Laurence
05/1999 72 pages Format comics 14521
Contient: - Age of Apocalypse (I) 02 "Légende de l'ère d'Apocalypse : Sinistre descendance" (Tales from the Age of Apocalypse (I) 02 "Sinister Bloodlines" 12/1996). - Daredevil (I) 376 "Terrain Inconnu (1)" (Daredevil (I) 376 "Flying Blind (Part 1)" 06/1997).
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