Marvel Icons (Marvel France - 2005)
27. Paris sera toujours paris
Une BD de
Brian Michael Bendis
Jim Cheung
chez Panini Comics
- 2007
Bendis, Brian Michael
Knauf, Daniel
Knauf, Charles
Cheung, Jim
Zircher, Patrick
Ponsor, Justin
Hanna, Scott
Livesay, John
Ramone, Bit
Cheung, Jim
Viévard, Sophie
Tadil, Khaled
Duclos, Nicole
07/2007 96 pages Format comics Moins 5 euros 374341
Contient: - Les Nouveaux Vengeurs (I) 25 "La séparation (5)" (New Avengers (I) 25 "New Avengers: Disassembled, Part 5" 12/2006). - Captain America (V) 23 "Au loin tonne les canons (2)" (Captain America (V) 23 "The Drums of War (Part 2 of 3))" 12/2006). - Les Quatre Fantastiques (III) 541 "Paris sera toujours Paris" (Fantastic Four (III) 541 " Many Annoying Things, None Of Them French" 01/2007). - Iron-man (IV) 14 "Civil War (2)" (Iron-man (IV) 14 "Civil War, Part 2" 01/2007). - Civil War: Front line (I) 02 (Civil War: Front line (I) 02 08/2006).
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