Marvel Collectible Classics X-Men (1998)
2. Days of future past
Une BD de
Claremont, Chris
Byrne, John
chez Marvel Comics
(Marvel Collectible classics)
- 1998
Claremont, Chris
Byrne, John
Oliver, Glynis
Austin, Terry
Orzechowski, Tom
Byrne, John
08/1998 44 pages Format comics 407847
Celebrate 35 years of the X-Men with this modern day classic DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. In the not too distant future, mutants are hunted down by robot Sentinels, and those that aren't massacred spend their final days in concentration camps. A desperate plan is enacted by the surviving members of the X-Men to send one of their own back in time to the present to stop the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants from assassinating a prominent politician and avert disaster. Pray she succeeds.