The man of Steel Vol.1 (1986)
INT02. Volume 2
Une BD de
Byrne, John
chez DC Comics
- 2021
Byrne, John
Wolfman, Marv
Byrne, John
Ordway, Jerry
Ziuko, Tom
Kesel, Karl
01/2021 (26 janvier 2021) 544 pages 9781779505910 Format comics 415880
Following the Crisis on Infinite Earths, comic book superstar John Byrne reimagined Superman for a brand-new era. Time has always been complicated, but Superman learns just how true that is when he and the Legion of Super-Heroes are caught in a pocket reality created by the Time Trapper. Facing off against aliens, gang violence, and super-villains will Superman be able to do it all? Or will one of his adversaries be a match for our Man of Steel?