The last Contract (2016)
INT. The Last Contract
Une BD de
Ed Brisson
Lisandro Estherren
chez Boom! Studios
- 2017
Brisson, Ed
Estherren, Lisandro
Guardia, Nico
Estherren, Lisandro
Brisson, Ed
Estherren, Lisandro
05/2017 111 pages 9781608869626 Format comics 517690
From crime comics writer Ed Brisson (Murder Book, Sheltered) comes a story about a retired hitman known only as The Man whose list of his kills is leaked by a mysterious blackmailer-making targets of anyone associated with his previous jobs. Forced back into the game he left behind, The Man fights to protect those the list exposed and uncover the identity of the blackmailer, unaware of the consequences the truth may hold.